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There are several factors critical to a successful acceleration journey. Mentorship is one of them. A qualified mentor focused on acceleration monitoring can make all the difference. Expertise, experience, and relationships are key attributes, especially within an acceleration mindset seeking to achieve greater market traction.


OBr.global understands well the importance of mentoring and, for this reason, has invested in building a grid of knowledge that would meet the reality experienced by entrepreneurs and their projects. Coming from Silicon Valley, it brought together one of its key local partners, in the form of an advisory board, and together built a set of trails that focused entirely on mentoring in acceleration regimes focused on effectiveness and results. In collaboration with representatives from Berkeley, Northeastern University, Sand Hill Angels, TiE Angels, Keiretsu Forum, and International Business Innovation Association (INBIA), participants at MentorRanks Boot Camp receive special training based on the key strategic axes practiced in Silicon Valley: proper mindset, effective acceleration tools, and investment attraction.


Today, with the program’s maturity, its focus on drive results and global reach, MentorRanks Boot Camp has established itself as one of the top international mentoring certifications for startups.