
“PARTNERTITION” – The Real Collaborative Spirit

“PARTNERTITION” – The Real Collaborative Spirit

This has been our main message in all events we have participated around the world, be it in Brazil, India, South Africa, South America, Europe or United States. It is the basis for the PARTNERTITION proposal we are seeking to establish with government and industry promotional institutions involved in the promotion of business development among their member organizations, aiming to bring closer companies with the ability to collaborate and foster further economic and business development in new geographies and markets.

I have often said in many of many of the presentations I have given around the world that before the internet, we could only be sure of 2 things going forward in our lives: “That we will always pay taxes and we will die one day. After the rise of the internet and its pervasive penetration in everyone’s lives, both personal and professional, now we can be assured of 4 things: Not only we will always pay taxes and die one day, but also we will have to manage changes on daily basis, and we will never do anything by ourselves anymore. Today, we live in a collaborative world.

In order to address properly the new challenges of globalization, and the growth of the global footprint by many companies in several industries, building a collaborative platform between countries and companies will be imperative. Some of these new challenges involve specific issues from cultural and local business practices to highly complex industry and supply change domain knowledge.

Up until now, much has been said with the view of transforming competition into “coopetition”. Although “coopetition” is a good basis for fostering collaborative work, yet it is not sufficient, as it evolves around specific projects only, and does not address how to converge to a shared business vision and strategy in order to help develop a greater marketplace.

This is why we propose to work on a new front of collaboration, in which the exchanges do not only happen around single projects, but also with shared visions of new business development opportunities and business returns. We need to work from the ground up, starting from the core and constructing a new model that seeks to offer a new business relationship model to client organizations around the different geographies of the globe. We call this model PARTNERTITION.

PARTNERTITION means that we will collectively look at the future potential opportunities and build a common shared framework, in which we are able to not only address the needs of clients, but furthermore, actually anticipate market trends that will affect client’s business outcome.

PARTNERTITION helps companies identify common business values and create a vested commitment toward common goals, which are centered on client’s organization business growth and shareholder value objectives that, combined, help build a greater ecosystem and increase the size of market opportunities.

PARTNERTITION means that we are all not just wearing the same corporate polo shirt, and not only establishing point-to-point agreements focused in specific projects. PARTNERTITION ultimately means that we are sharing the same skin, working under the same assumptions, and driving towards the same overall market growth goals.

PARTNERTITION means working together to develop a greater and better marketplace, where all will end up with a greater share than we had to begin with. This is part of the Silicon Valley mindset that now is present In the more advanced entrepreneurial ecosystems in the world.

These ecosystems understand how important an attitude of “PARTNERTITION” is not only one that believes, it is all of us believing. It is all of us constructing collaboratively.


By Robert Janssen (1st published in June 9, 2010)



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